

Protecting your privacy is something we at PSYS Psychological Service take very seriously. The following will help you understand what happens to the information we collect.


PSYS Psy­cho­lo­gi­cal Ser­vice does not sell or rent names or email ad­dres­ses to any­one. We use re­turn email ad­dres­ses to an­swer the email we re­ceive. These ad­dres­ses are not used for any other pur­pose and are not shared with out­side par­ties. This in­clu­des feed­back re­ports that are sent through some of our pro­ducts. Do­cu­ments you send to us are only used for the pur­pose of dia­gno­sing issues and sup­por­ting users of our pro­ducts. These do­cu­ments are de­le­ted by cus­to­mer re­quest.

Online Orders

The in­for­ma­tion you pro­vi­de us while plac­ing an order is used to com­ple­te that order. For the time being orders will only be placed via the Mac App Store. Or­der in­for­ma­tion is col­lec­ted and pro­ces­sed by Apple, Inc. Up­date check­ing is done by the Mac opera­ting sys­tem. That in­for­ma­tion is pro­ces­sed by Apple too. You can read the en­tire Apple Pri­va­cy Po­li­cy at


Web Browsing & Cookies

PSYS Psy­cho­lo­gi­cal Ser­vice and our pro­ducts do not re­tain coo­kies when you vi­sit our web­pa­ges. Per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion is not col­lec­ted auto­ma­ti­cal­ly when you na­vi­gate our web site. Our web site may con­tain links to other web sites and we are not re­spon­si­ble for pri­va­cy on those sites.





Cus­to­mers who live in the Euro­pean Union may re­quest to have their data cor­rec­ted or de­le­ted un­der the Ge­neral Data Pro­tec­tion Re­gu­la­tion by con­tac­ting us and pro­vi­ding a proper means of iden­tifi­ca­tion.

Questions & Feedback

This pri­vacy po­licy page will be contin­ually up­dated on an as-needed basis and might change or be edit­ed at any time. The most up-to-date infor­mation will always be avail­able from this page. If you have any con­cerns with our privacy policy please
